19-20 May, 2016
The internal CSGB workshops are held twice a year. They are arranged alternately by the two Aarhus groups (the Stochastic Geometry and the Biomedical groups), the Spatial Statistics group at Aalborg University, and the Image Section at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. The aim of these internal workshops is to discuss the present status of the CSGB research projects by presentations by the members of CSGB and to plan the further progress of the research projects. Furthermore, new activities arranged by CSGB such as workshops, courses, establishment of new international contacts, etc. are also discussed at these internal workshops. An equally important aim of the internal workshops is to tighten the connections between the researchers associated to CSGB.
The twelfth internal CSGB workshop will be arranged by the Image Group at University of Copenhagen.
See the detailed programme.