By the end of March 2020, the second funding period of Centre for Stochastic Geometry and Advanced Bioimaging (CSGB) expired. The website will no longer receive updates and will serve as an archive of the CSGB activities over the years.
Thank you to all of our collaborators.
CSGB was established 1 April 2010 with a grant from the Villum Foundation of DKK 25 million. A second funding period started in 2015, based on an additional grant from the Villum Foundation of DKK 30 million.
The background for establishing CSGB was the increasing demand for developing stochastic analysis of advanced bioimaging data. The data may arise from electron microscopy, giving access down to the molecular level. Bioimaging data are extremely challenging to analyze, because of their complexity and huge size. In 2010, the funding opportunity arose, and CSGB was established as a Centre of Excellence funded by the Villum Foundation.
CSGB joined four Danish research groups at the Universities of Aarhus, Aalborg and Copenhagen. Such short geographical distance facilitated the exchange of competences in the key disciplines of CSGB, including stereology, spatial statistics and statistical image analysis.